GNZ Power Food

Unveiling the Superfood Superstar: Blackcurrants vs. Blueberries

In the world of superfoods, blackcurrants and blueberries often steal the spotlight for their impressive health benefits. While both are celebrated for their antioxidant-rich nutrient profiles and delicious flavours, recent scientific and clinical research suggest that blackcurrants possess a nutritional edge that surpasses the beloved blueberry. Let’s delve into the evidence to uncover why blackcurrants emerge as the true superfood superstar.

Antioxidant & Anti-inflammatory Powerhouse

Anthocyanins are natural pigments responsible for the blue, purple, red and orange colours of many fruits and vegetables. These natural chemical compounds have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties with numerous health and beauty benefits.
New Zealand blackcurrants have 336-850mg/100g anthocyanins and blueberries contain 62–300 mg/100g anthocyanins [1]. The exceptionally high concentration of anthocyanins in blackcurrants provides superior protection against oxidative stress and inflammation. Antioxidant effects of blackcurrants are further boosted by high levels of vitamin C found in this superfruit.
Numerous scientific and clinical studies demonstrate that antioxidant effects of anthocyanins help combat free radicals and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Clinical studies also show that consumption of blackcurrant anthocyanins prior to exercise facilitates recovery from exercise-induced oxidative stress symptoms such as fatigue, memory loss, brain fog, muscle and joint pain and headaches [1].

Chronic inflammation is associated with a range of health conditions, including arthritis, asthma, lupus, gout, inflammatory bowel disease, eczema and psoriasis. Anti-inflammatory properties of anthocyanins help decrease the impact of these health conditions.

Mitochondrial Health

The predominant type of anthocyanins in blackcurrants and blueberries are delphinidin glycosides and malvidin glycosides respectively [1]. In addition to alleviating oxidative stress and inflammation, blackcurrant anthocyanins have been shown to prevent the depletion of mitochondrial content and damage, which has not been reported with blueberry anthocyanins [1].

Preserving the health of our mitochondria is paramount, as these tiny powerhouses are the cornerstone of cellular function and energy production. By safeguarding against depletion and damage, we fortify our cells against the ravages of oxidative stress and metabolic imbalance. In doing so, we not only bolster our vitality and resilience but also pave the way for a longer and healthier life.

Enhanced Immune Support

Blackcurrants are renowned for their immune-boosting properties, thanks to their impressive vitamin C content. In fact, blackcurrants contain four times as much vitamin C as  blueberries, making them a powerhouse for immune health [2]. Regular consumption of blackcurrants can help strengthen the immune system, ward off infections, and promote overall wellbeing, especially during the cold and flu season.

Heart Health Champion

Research suggests that New Zealand blackcurrants may also have a more profound impact on cardiovascular health compared to blueberries. Blackcurrants have been shown to lower blood pressure, improve blood vessel function, and reduce the risk of heart disease. Additionally, their high anthocyanin content helps to lower LDL cholesterol levels and promote healthy blood lipid profiles, further protecting against heart-related ailments [3,4].

Brain Boosting Benefits

Blackcurrants are emerging as a promising contender in the realm of brain health [4]. Studies indicate that the potent antioxidants found in blackcurrants may help protect against age-related cognitive decline, improve memory and enhance overall brain function. Their neuroprotective effects make them a valuable addition to a brain-healthy diet, potentially offering greater cognitive benefits compared to blueberries.

Gut Health Support

Blackcurrants have twice the fibre content of  blueberries [2]. The rich fibre content of blackcurrants promotes digestive health and supports a thriving gut microbiome. Blackcurrants contain soluble and insoluble fibres that aid in digestion, regulate bowel movements and promote a healthy gut environment. By nourishing beneficial gut bacteria, blackcurrants contribute to improved nutrient absorption, enhanced immune function, and reduced inflammation throughout the body.

….and there’s MORE!

Several studies show the positive effects of blackcurrant anthocyanins on vision and eye health, both in healthy subjects and glaucoma patients [4]. Anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, weight management, urinary tract health, skin health, anti-aging and mood boosting benefits of blackcurrants have also been demonstrated [4,5,6].


While both blackcurrants and blueberries offer impressive health benefits, scientific and clinical evidence overwhelmingly favours blackcurrants as the ultimate superfood.

Having a daily VB-8 shot is an easy way of incorporating blackcurrants into your diet to supercharge your health and well-being. Experience the difference for yourself and unleash the full potential of nature’s true superfood superstar.


[1]  Braakhuis, A. J. et al. (2020), The effect of New Zealand blackcurrant on sport performance and related biomarkers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 17(1), 25.

[2] Golovinskaia, O. et al. (2021), Review of Functional and Pharmacological Activities of Berries. Molecules. 25 June 202, 26(13), 3904.

[3] Okamoto, T. et al. (2020), Effects of blackcurrant extract on arterial functions in older adults: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension, 42(7), 640-647.

[4] Cao, L. et al.  (2021), Extraction, identification, and health benefits of anthocyanins in blackcurrants (Ribes nigrum L.). Applied Sciences, 11(4), 1863.

[5] Alzahrani, M. A. et al. (2023), Effect of Blackcurrant Consumption on the Genitourinary System: A Literature Review. Cureus 15(8)

[6] Currie, T. L. et al. (2023), Considerations for optimizing warfighter psychological health with a research-based flavonoid approach: a review. Nutrients, 15(5), 1204.Praesent Iaculis sit Vehicula
Lap. 4 Tellus A17-B27

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